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The true significance of a book written with the exclusive object of ensuring success of its targeted readers in a competitive exam, can be best judge .... Read More
The true significance of a book written with the exclusive object of ensuring success of its targeted readers in a competitive exam, can be best judged in terms of what it aims to offer through its content as also the degree of precision and articulation of facts underlying the book’s whole make-up. No doubt, the present day market has a plethora of guidebooks and published study materials on various competitive examinations and all of these are arguably into a mad rush for catching the needs of their success-aspiring targeted readers. However, the fact of the matter is that probably none of these books possesses the element of reliability and tangible potentials for ensuring success to their targeted readers in a considerable measure. This is the case with The books on various competitive examinations at all levels and so books and study materials on UGC/NET. too don’t present an exceptional or isolated case in this regard.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Chapter – I, Political Theory | 42 |
2 | Chapter- II, Political Thought | 111 |
3 | Chapter-III, Comparative Politics and Political Analysis | 51 |
4 | Chapter-IV, Political Development | 17 |
5 | Chapter-V, Making of the Indian Constitution | 86 |
6 | Chapter – VI, Dynamics of state polities | 69 |
7 | Chapter- VII, Growth of Public Administration as a discipline: and New Public | 17 |
8 | Chapter- VIII, Development Planning and Administration in India | 10 |
9 | Chapter- IX, Theories of International Relations | 41 |
10 | Chapter – X, End of Cold War, Globalisation and Political Economy of International | 41 |