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Author(s): ( ANDREW LANG )

Publisher: ( ZIG ZAG Books )

The Editor thinks that children will readily forgive him for publishing another Fairy Book. We have had the Blue, the Red, the Green, and here is the .... Read More

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    The Editor thinks that children will readily forgive him for publishing another Fairy Book. We have had the Blue, the Red, the Green, and here is the Yellow . If children are pleased , and they are so kind as to say that they are pleased , the Editor does not care very much for what other people may say . Now , there is one gentleman who seems to think that it is not quite right to print so many fairy tales, with pictures , and to publish them in red and blue covers. He is named Mr. G. Laurence Gomme, and he is president of a learned body called the Folk Lore Society . Once a year he makes his address to his subjects , telling them what to think about many things . This is very valuable, but you must not read his address if you wish to be simple and happy . Mr. Gomme tells us that he expects us to learn by heart all the fairy tales of all nations, and to imitate the Fairies. This is no easy task, but I will try. His address was printed in the Athenæum , and will be found in the number for January 1894, to which everybody ought to subscribe. Only the Athenæum is rather dear , and the purses of the Editor of Fairy Books are but lean purses . Please buy the Athenæum , and read Mr . Gomme ’s address for yourselves.


    Category: General,Story Book
    ISBN: blue-qaz-xxx-xxx-xxx
    Sr Chapter Name No Of Page
    1 1. The Bronze Ring 12
    2 2. Prince Hyacinth And The Dear Little Princess 7
    3 3. East Of The Sun And West Of The Moon 10
    4 4. The Yellow Dwarf 21
    5 5. Little Red Riding Hood 3
    6 6. The Sleeping Beauty In The Wood 10
    7 7. Cinderella, Or The Little Glass Slipper 7
    8 8. Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp 12
    9 9. The Tale Of A Youth Who Set Out To Learn What Fear Was 8
    10 10. Rumpelstiltzkin 3
    11 11. Beauty And The Beast 18
    12 12. The Master-Maid 15
    13 13. Why The Sea Is Salt 5
    14 14. The Master Cat; Or, Puss In Boots 5
    15 15. Felicia And The Pot Of Pinks 9
    16 16. The White Cat 15
    17 17. The Water-Lily. The Gold-Spinners 8
    18 18. The Terrible Head 9
    19 19. The Story Of Pretty Goldilocks 13
    20 20. The History Of Whittington 7
    21 21. The Wonderful Sheep 16
    22 22. Little Thumb 10
    23 23. The Forty Thieves 8
    24 24. Hansel And Grettel 7
    25 25. Snow-White And Rose-Red 6
    26 26. The Goose-Girl 6
    27 27. Toads And Diamonds 3
    28 28. Prince Darling 12
    29 29. Blue Beard 6
    30 30. Trusty John 7
    31 31. The Brave Little Tailor 7
    32 32. The Princess On The Glass Hill 9
    33 33. The Story Of Prince Ahmed And The Fairy Paribanou 28
    34 34. The History Of Jack The Giant-Killer 5
    35 35. The Black Bull Of Norroway 4
    36 36. The Red Etin 5
    37 37. A Voyage To Lilliput 5
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