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If the exam of the civil services conducted by the UPSC is considered to be the Mt. Everest to climb, it also is the dream of many to conquer this. Be .... Read More
If the exam of the civil services conducted by the UPSC is considered to be the Mt. Everest to climb, it also is the dream of many to conquer this. Being hardpressed with the time factor, a range of books to choose from, age considerations and varied guidances, guidelines from all hue and cry indeed, aspirants hardly have any scope for the experiment with the mode of preparation. At the end of the day, it is the aspirant who finally has to decide on the nature and scope of his preparation, time management, readiness and maturity, and a plethora of other factors
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | UNIT-I, Concept, Nature and Scope of Personnel Administration | 14 |
2 | UNIT-II, Functions and Significance of Personnel Administration | 13 |
3 | UNIT-III, Public Services and Their Role in Administrative System | 11 |
4 | UNIT-IV, Characteristics of Public Personnel Administration in India | 15 |
5 | UNIT-V, Civil Service in the Context of Modern Bureaucracy | 14 |
6 | UNIT-VI, Bases of Bureaucracy | 7 |
7 | UNIT-VII, Development of Public Services in India | 24 |
8 | UNIT-VIII, Classification of Services (Cadres) | 13 |
9 | UNIT-IX, Generalists and Specialists | 7 |
10 | UNIT-X, Role and Functions of Department of Personnel/UPSC/SPSC/SSC | 14 |
11 | UNIT-XI, Central and State Training Institutes | 10 |
12 | UNIT-XII, Administrative Tribunals | 7 |
13 | UNIT-XIII, Personnel Policy | 11 |
14 | UNIT-XIV, Recruitment (Reservation in Services) | 10 |
15 | UNIT-XV, Promotion | 6 |
16 | UNIT-XVI, Training | 13 |
17 | UNIT-XVII, Performance Appraisal | 5 |
18 | UNIT-XVIII, Salary'Administration (Including Incentives and Other Benefits) | 13 |
19 | UNIT-XIX, Conduct and Discipline | 13 |
20 | UNIT-XX, Administrative Ethics and Integrity in Civil Services | 12 |
21 | UNIT-XXI, Employee Unions | 6 |
22 | UNIT-XXII, Joint Consultative Machinery | 7 |
23 | UNIT-XXIII, Rights of Public Servants | 9 |
24 | UNIT-XXIV, Motivation and Morale | 6 |
25 | UNIT-XXV, Nature and Scope of Financial Administration | 11 |
26 | UNIT-XXVI, Objectives and Principles of Financial Administration | 13 |
27 | UNIT-XXVII, Mixed Economy | 9 |
28 | UNIT-XXVIII, Centre-State Financial Relations-1 | 7 |
29 | UNIT-XXIX, Centre-State Financial Relations-II | 12 |
30 | UNIT-XXX, Fiscal Policy, Equity and Social Justice | 8 |
31 | UNIT-XXXI, (Government Budgeting : Principles and Functions | 6 |
32 | UNIT-XXXII, Indian Budgetary System | 9 |
33 | UNIT-XXXIII, Classification of Government Expenditure | 6 |
34 | UNIT-XXXIV, Public Expenditure : Theories and Growth | 3 |
35 | UNIT-XXXV, Performance Budgeting | 4 |
36 | UNIT-XXXVI, Zero Base Budgeting | 5 |
37 | UNIT-XXXVII, Sources of Revenue: Tax and Non-Tax | 7 |
38 | UNIT-XXXVIII, Deficit Financing | 8 |
39 | UNIT-XXXIX, Public Debt Management and Role of Reserve Bank of India | 7 |
40 | UNIT-XXXX, Financial Appraisal | 7 |
41 | UNIT-XXXXI, Economic and Social Appraisal | 8 |
42 | UNIT-XXXXII, Legislative Control | 8 |
43 | UNIT-XXXXIII, System of Financial Committees | 5 |
44 | UNIT-XXXXIV, Executive Control | 5 |
45 | UNIT-XXXXV, Accounting System in India | 5 |
46 | UNIT-XXXXVI, Auditing System in India | 8 |
47 | UNIT-XXXXVII, Role of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) | 4 |
48 | UNIT-XXXXVIII, Financial Administration of Public Enterprises | 7 |
49 | UNIT-XXXXIX, Financial Autonomy and Accountability of Public Enterprises | 7 |