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Physical Principles (involved in the Analytical Chemistry), Analysis of Acidic Radicals, Tests for some Combination of Acidic Radicals, Removal of Int .... Read More
Physical Principles (involved in the Analytical Chemistry), Analysis of Acidic Radicals, Tests for some Combination of Acidic Radicals, Removal of Interfering Radicals,Reactions Involved in the Tests of Acidic Radicals,Tests of Basic Radicals,Chemical Reactions Involved in the Tests of Basic Radicals,Analysis of Insoluble Residues, Some Clues Regarding Mixture Analysis,Semi-Micro Analysis of the Mixture,Semi-Micro Method (Systematic Procedure,Analysis of Mixture of Rare Metal Salts,Spot Test Analysis,Chromatography,Preparation of Inorganic Compounds,Volumetric Analysis,Acidimetry and Alkalimetry (Neutralization Titrations),Oxidation-Reduction (Redox Titrations),Iodimetry and Iodometry Titrations,Precipitation Titrations,Complexometric Titration,Some Inorganic Reagents used in Volumetric Analysis,Conductometric Titrations,Potentiometric Titrations,Flame Photometry,pH metry,Colorimetry,Gravimetric Analysis,Some Gravimetric Estimations,Estimation of Two Constituents (When present together,Estimation of Three Constituents (When present together),Analysis of Alloys,Analytical Problems Appendix
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Physical Principles (involved in theAnalytical Chemistry) | 90 |
2 | Chemical Reactions Involved in the Tests of Basic Radicals | -21 |
3 | Tests of Basic Radicals | -9 |
4 | Reactions Involved in the Tests of Acidic Radicals | -5 |
5 | Removal of Interfering Radicals | -7 |
6 | Testsfor some Combinationof Acidic Radicals | -14 |
7 | Analysisof Acidic Radicals | 71 |
8 | Semi-Micro Analysis of the Mixture | -3 |
9 | Some Clues Regarding Mixture Analysis | -3 |
10 | Analysis of Insoluble Residues | 13 |
11 | Semi-Micro Method (Systematic Procedure | 15 |
12 | Analysis of Mixture of Rare Metal Salts | 11 |
13 | Spot Test Analysis | 20 |
14 | Chromatography | 12 |
15 | Preparation of Inorganic Compounds | 36 |
16 | Volumetric Analysis | 23 |
17 | Acidimetry and Alkalimetry (Neutralization Titrations) | 18 |
18 | Oxidation-Reduction (Redox Titrations) | 27 |
19 | Iodimetry and Iodometry Titrations | 11 |
20 | Precipitation Titrations | 14 |
21 | Complexometric Titrations | 14 |
22 | Some Inorganic Reagents used in Volumetric Analysis | 16 |
23 | Conductometric Titrations | 16 |
24 | Potentiometric Titrations | 14 |
25 | Flame Photometry | 5 |
26 | pH metry | 8 |
27 | Colorimetry | 12 |
28 | Gravimetric Analysis | 13 |
29 | Some Gravimetric Estimations | 22 |
30 | Estimation of Two Constituents (When present together) | 7 |
31 | Estimation of Three Constituents (When present together) | 6 |
32 | Analysis of Alloys | 17 |
33 | Analytical Problems Appendix | 17 |