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This book is written to meet the requirement of B. Sc.–I years, II semester students according to the newly introduced syllabus of the all Universi .... Read More
This book is written to meet the requirement of B. Sc.–I years, II semester students according to the newly introduced syllabus of the all Universities of India. We have presented all the topics in very lucid manner and simple language to create the interest of the students in the subject. At the end of each unit different types of questions such as long answer type, short answer type, multiple choice, numerical problems, fill in the blanks and true/false with their answer are given.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Chemical Thermodynamics | 28 |
2 | Thermochemistry | 25 |
3 | Second Law of Thermodynamics | 43 |
4 | Third Law of Thermodynamics | 14 |
5 | Free Energy Functions | 15 |
6 | Systems of Variable Composition | 44 |
7 | Solution and Colligative Properties | 44 |