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PRACTICAL PHYSICS-V  Demonstrative Aspects of Optics and Lasers Nep-5 Sem
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PRACTICAL PHYSICS-V Demonstrative Aspects of Optics and Lasers Nep-5 Sem

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Author(s): ( S. L. Gupta, V. Kumar )

Publisher: ( Pragati Prakashan )

The 'Practical Physics' for B. Sc. V Sem. has been updated according to modified syllabus proposed by NEP. The experimental study is divided into two .... Read More

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    PRACTICAL PHYSICS-V Demonstrative Aspects of Optics and Lasers Nep-5 Sem

    The 'Practical Physics' for B. Sc. V Sem. has been updated according to modified syllabus proposed by NEP. The experimental study is divided into two separate sections. One is LAB experiments and other is ON LINE VIRTUAL LAB Experiments.

    ( S. L. Gupta, V. Kumar )

    Category: Higher Education
    ISBN: 978-93-5854-381-0
    Sr Chapter Name No Of Page
    1 1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light (monochromatic source) with the help of Fresnel’s Bi-prism. 7
    2 2. To determine the thickness of mica sheet with the help of Biprism. 5
    3 3. To determine wavelength of laser light using diffraction by a single slit. 3
    4 4. To determine the value of Rydberg’s constant with the help of diffraction grating and a hydrogen tube. 9
    5 5. To determine the wavelength of a given laser source using diffraction grating. 2
    6 6. To study the polarisation of light by simple reflection. 9
    7 7. To obtain (i) energy level diagram for iodine Molecule, (ii) deducing the electronic excitation energy for iodine molecule and (iii) deducing force constant (F ) for the iodine molecule. 6
    8 8. To determine the wavelength of a given laser source (He–Ne) using diffraction grating, (ii) angular divergence of a He-Ne laser (spot size). 3
    9 9. To determine the refractive index of a liquid by Newton’s rings. 5
    10 10. To determine the resolving power of a grating. 5
    11 11. To obtain interference fringes using a laser source and biprism. 1
    12 12. To study polarisation of light using the He-Ne laser. 2
    13 13. (i) To measure the Numerical Aperture (NA) of a step index optical fibre. (ii) To study dispersion of a coherent laser beam in passing a certain length of a step-index optical fibre. 4
    14 14A. To measure the wedge angle of a glass plate using interference fringes. 2
    15 14B. To study double slit interference by Helium Neon Laser. 3
    16 15. To determine (i) , the wavelength of sodium yellow light and (ii) (1 2 ), the difference between the wavelengths of two sodium D-lines, with the help of Michelson interferometer. 7
    17 16. (i) To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s rings. (ii) To determine the refractive index of a liquid by Newton's rings. 8
    18 17. To determine Brewster’s angle for a glass surface and hence to determine refractive index of glass. 4
    19 18. To determine the refractive index of the material of the prism for the given colours (wavelengths) of mercury light with the help of a spectrometer. 15
    20 19. To determine the dispersive power of the material of the prism for violet and yellow colours of mercury light with the help of a spectrometer. 3
    21 20. To study the variation of refractive index of the material of the prism with wavelength and to verify Cauchy’s dispersion formula. 3
    22 21. To determine the wavelength of prominent lines of mercury by plane diffraction grating. 3
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