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At the release of Fifth Revised Edition of our book Economic Zoology we are grateful to the esteemed readers for their interest shown in this book. .... Read More
At the release of Fifth Revised Edition of our book Economic Zoology we are grateful to the esteemed readers for their interest shown in this book. The book has been revised keeping in mind the requirement of the revised syllabi of various Indian Universities. Latest information have been incorporated in several chapters. The author has made all efforts to include all the useful suggestions received from the learned teachers.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Parasitic Protozoa and Human Diseases | 15 |
2 | Economically Important Phytoparasitic Nematodes and their Control] | 9 |
3 | Zooparasitic Helminths and their Control | 19 |
4 | Mites and Ticks and their Control | 8 |
5 | Economic Importance of Insects | 7 |
6 | Household Insects | 22 |
7 | Insect Pests of Some Crops of Economic Importance | 34 |
8 | Insect Pest Management | 27 |
9 | Apiculture | 11 |
10 | Lac Culture | 8 |
11 | Sericulture | 17 |
12 | Pearl Culture | 6 |
13 | Coral and Coral Reef | 5 |
14 | Edible Freshwater Fishes | 12 |
15 | Fish Culture | 14 |
16 | By-products of Fishing Industry | 5 |
17 | Prawn Fishery | 10 |
18 | Poultry | 17 |
19 | Economic Importance of Mammals | 7 |
20 | Piggery | 4 |
21 | Dairy Industry | 9 |
22 | Leather Industry | 5 |
23 | Wool Industry | 3 |
24 | Fur and Fur Industry | 10 |
25 | Pharmaceuticals from Animals | 5 |
26 | Rats and Their Control | 10 |
27 | Wild Life in India and its Conservation | 45 |
28 | Snakes and Snake Venom | 9 |
29 | AIDS | 9 |