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It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction to present before the readers, the Twelfth Edition of the present book 'Modern Text Book of Zoology .... Read More
It is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction to present before the readers, the Twelfth Edition of the present book 'Modern Text Book of Zoology: INVERTEBRATES', In the light of the modem technology & studies, many Universities have revised their undergraduate syllabi in Life Sciences. This has necessitated the revision of the book, and also to incorporate the latest information on the subject.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
2 | The Invertebrates | 16 |
3 | Euglena viridis | 12 |
4 | Trypanosoma gambiense | 10 |
5 | Leishmania donovani | 8 |
6 | Amoeba proteus | 18 |
7 | Entamoeba histolytica | 9 |
8 | Elphidium crisputn (=Polystomella crispci) | 6 |
9 | Plasmodium vivax : The Malarial Parasite | 16 |
10 | Monocystis agilis | 9 |
11 | Eimeria tenella | 5 |
12 | Paramecium caudatum : The Slipper Animalcule | 19 |
13 | Vorticella : The Bell Animalcule | 10 |
14 | Protozoa : Characters, Classification and Types | 15 |
15 | Protozoa : General Account | 25 |
16 | Organization of Metazoa | 15 |
17 | Origin of Metazoa | 9 |
18 | Organization of Bilateria | 4 |
19 | Leucosolenia : An asconoid sponge | 9 |
20 | Scypha (=sycon) : A syconoid sponge | 13 |
21 | Porifera : Characters, Classification and Types | 8 |
22 | Porifera : General Account | 16 |
23 | Hydra | 24 |
24 | Obelia : A Sea-Fur | 16 |
25 | Aurelia : A Jelly-Fish | 15 |
26 | Metridium : A Sea Anemone | 9 |
27 | Coelenterata : Characters, Classification and Types | 15 |
28 | Coelenterata : General Account | 10 |
29 | Ctenophora | 6 |
30 | Dugesia (Euplanciria) : A Planarian | 13 |
31 | Fasciola hepatica : The Sheep Liver Fluke | 19 |
32 | Taenia solium : The Pork Tapeworm | 20 |
33 | Platyhelminthes : Characters, Classification and Types | 13 |
34 | Superphylum Aschelminthes : The Pseudocoelomate Phyla | 6 |
35 | Ascaris lumbricoides : The Common Roundworm | 20 |
36 | Ancylostoma duodenale : The Common Hookworm | 6 |
37 | Wuchereria bancrofti : The Filarial Worm | 5 |
38 | Phylum Nematoda : Characters, Classification and Types | 9 |
39 | Helminthes : General Account | 8 |
40 | Neanthes or Nereis virens : A Clamworm | 19 |
41 | Pheretima posthuma : The Indian Earthworm | 31 |
42 | Hirudinaria granulosa :The Indian Cattle Leech | 25 |
43 | Annelida : Characters, Classification and Types | 13 |
44 | Annelida : General Account | 23 |
45 | Palaemon or Macrobrachium malcolmsonii : The Indian Freshwater Prawn | 39 |
46 | Palamnaeus : The Indian Scorpion | 16 |
47 | Periplaneta americana : The Common Cockroach | 31 |
48 | The Grasshopper or Locust | 18 |
49 | Musca domestica : The Housefly | 9 |
50 | Culex and Anopheles : The Mosquitoes | 9 |