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1 have tried compiling this book to make college and university students to learn about wildlife conservation and management in India. There are many .... Read More
1 have tried compiling this book to make college and university students to learn about wildlife conservation and management in India. There are many pictorial and technical books on wildlife; the internet is full of material on this subject. 1 have taken help from both, I have tried to write this book systematically from beginning to end, making it a simple reading for clearer understanding. I wish to acknowledge my thanks to Google for creating an ocean of knowledge. I also wish to record my appreciation to the founders of Wikipedia for bringing unending useful information to our fingertips.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | History and Diversity | 28 |
2 | The Value of Wildlife | 43 |
3 | Laws, Ministry, Organizations | 52 |
4 | Environmental Ethics and Management | 25 |
5 | Protected Areas | 21 |
6 | Biogeographical Zones | 24 |
7 | Major Projects | 38 |
8 | Ecotourism and Environment Impact Assessment | 19 |
9 | Ecological Restoration | 20 |
10 | Human Wildlife Conflict | 35 |
11 | Wildlife Trade and Crime | 39 |
12 | Zoo, Captive Wild Animals | 18 |
13 | Wildlife Census and Indices | 36 |
14 | Innovative Methods in Wildlife | 36 |
15 | Animals in Indian Mythology | 9 |
16 | Who is Who | 16 |
17 | Glossary | 11 |
18 | References | 11 |