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• Strictly according to the latest syllabus prescribed’ by NCERT, • Easy presentation and lucid language to clear the concepts, scientific rea .... Read More
• Strictly according to the latest syllabus prescribed’ by NCERT, • Easy presentation and lucid language to clear the concepts, scientific reasoning and create an interest for the subject. • The text is designed and structured very carefully to provide a solid foundation and to prepare students for forthcoming board exams. • A large number of ‘reference boxes’ have been introduced for providing on the spot clarification of the technical terms. • Incorporation of large number of well illustrated diagrams, flow charts, tables and graphs etc. to increase the understanding. • Eye catching presentation. • Definitions of all necessary key terms have been arranged at the last of each chapter. • A model solution of all possible questions from each chapter have been given to teach the student the art of answering the question for scoring very high in the exams. • ‘You should also know’ sections give the student relevant information regarding the topic. This creates in them a sense of curiosity and interest for the subject. • A large number of questions from the chapter (question bank) have been given in the last for the practice of the students. • Separate questions for formative and summative assessment.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | 1st Term– Life Processes : Nutrition | 33 |
2 | Life Processes : Respiration | 27 |
3 | Life Processes : Transportation | 31 |
4 | Life Processes : Excretion | 20 |
5 | Control and Coordination | 35 |
6 | Sources of Energy | 32 |
7 | 2nd Term – Reproduction | 41 |
8 | Heredity and Evolution | 40 |
9 | Our Environment | 21 |
10 | Natural Resources and Their Conservation | 21 |