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The fundamental law of the Land is its Constitution. The Constitution of India is an organic document which defines the powers and functions of variou .... Read More
The fundamental law of the Land is its Constitution. The Constitution of India is an organic document which defines the powers and functions of various organs of the state and their inter relationship. It is modelled on the pattern of a federal structure with a strong basis in favour of the centre. It provides ‘for a parliamentary form of government with an Executive responsible to the Legislature. Like the American Constitution, it has armed with a judiciary to test the validity of the parliamentary legislation on the touchstone of the Constitutional provisions.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Chapter-1 The Historical Background | 11 |
2 | Chapter-2 The Philosophy of the Constitution | 6 |
3 | Chapter-3 The Making of the Constitution-I | 13 |
4 | Chapter-4 The Making of the Constitution-II | 12 |
5 | Chapter-5 Nature of the Federal System | 17 |
6 | Chapter-6 Territory of the Union | 10 |
7 | Chapter-7 Citizenship | 8 |
8 | Chapter-8 Fundamental Rights and Duties | 36 |
9 | Chapter-9 Directive Principles of State Policy | 10 |
10 | Chapter-10 Procedure for Amendment | 7 |
11 | Chapter-11 The Union Executive | 27 |
12 | Chapter-12 The Union Legislature | 23 |
13 | Chapter-13 The State Executive | 12 |
14 | Chapter-14 The State Legislature | 12 |
15 | Chapter-15 The State of J & K | 11 |
16 | Chapter-16 Administration of Union Territories and Acquired Territories | 5 |
17 | Chapter-17 The New System of Panchayats and Municipalities | 5 |
18 | Chapter-18 Panchayats | 6 |
19 | Chapter-19 Municipalities and Planning Committees | 6 |
20 | Chapter-20 Administration of Scheduled and Tribal Areas | 4 |
21 | Chapter-21 Organisation of the Judiciary in General | 4 |
22 | Chapter-22 The Supreme Court | 12 |
23 | Chapter-23 The High Court | 7 |
24 | Chapter-24 Distribution of Legislative and Executive Powers | 9 |
25 | Chapter-25 Distribution of Financial Powers | 10 |
26 | Chapter-26 Administrative Relations Between the Union and the States | 10 |
27 | Chapter-27 Inter-State Relations | 6 |
28 | Chapter-28 Emergency Provisions | 12 |
29 | Chapter-29 Rights and Liabilities of Government and Public Servants | 9 |
30 | Chapter-30 The Services and Public Service Commission’s | 18 |
31 | Chapter-31 Elections | 5 |
32 | Chapter-32 Minorities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes | 10 |
33 | Chapter-33 Language | 6 |
34 | Chapter-34 How the Constitution has Worked | 6 |