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Pragmatically speaking, sales and distribution is the most crucial part of marketing management. Most of the MBAs make their careers in this stream. H .... Read More
Pragmatically speaking, sales and distribution is the most crucial part of marketing management. Most of the MBAs make their careers in this stream. Hence, the sound knowledge of sales and distribution management is a must for future managers. In the last five years the scenario has changed drastically and sales and distribution topic has become a very successful profession. Keeping these facts in mind, this book has been written to provide all the insights, concepts combined with real life examples. Most of cases and examples have been taken from Indian context, to make students aware of working styles and techniques of problem solving in different types of companies. The book is aimed at providing all the knowledge in accordance with syllabus of various management institutes as well as equipping them with conceptual skills for a successful career in sales and marketing.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | chapter-1 | 31 |
2 | chapter-2 | 10 |
3 | chapter-3 | 62 |
4 | chaoter-4 | -93 |
5 | Marketing & Selling Effort | 17 |
6 | Personal Selling | 13 |
7 | Salesmanship | 15 |
8 | Sales (Sales Force) Management | 10 |
9 | Sales Executives & Sales Persons | 17 |
10 | Consumer Behaviour | 24 |
11 | Sales Organisation | 14 |
12 | Demand (Sales) Forecasting | 17 |
13 | Sales Budgeting | 13 |
14 | Sales Analysis & Control | 19 |
15 | Selling Process | 23 |
16 | Theories of Selling | 8 |
17 | Sales Personnel (Force) Planning | 17 |
18 | Recruitment & Selections of Sales Personnel | 13 |
19 | Selection Tests | 7 |
20 | Selection Interviews | 9 |
21 | Sales Personnel (Force) Training | 16 |
22 | Motivating the Sales Force | 19 |
23 | Compensating & Remunerating the Sales Force | 21 |
24 | Sales Leadership | 8 |
25 | Allocation of Territory | 17 |
26 | Sales Quota Setting | 10 |
27 | Sales Personnel Control & Performance Evaluation | 18 |
28 | Sales Information System | 4 |
29 | Channels of Distribution an Introduction | -90 |
30 | Distribution Channel Planning | 113 |
31 | Channel (Distribution) Strategies and Policies | 13 |
32 | Channel System in Management | 17 |
33 | Managing Channel Conflict | 16 |
34 | Wholesale Distribution | 10 |
35 | Retail Distribution | 25 |
36 | Physical Distribution | 22 |
37 | Glossary | 14 |
38 | Index | 14 |